
Primal Heroes: The Sangoma

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Primal Heroes: The Sangoma

Page Count:
System: OGL Fantasy
Stone Age Fantasy

Say Goodbye to Druid Prestige Classes Forever!

Do you wish you could switch your druid’s animal companion for some other ability? Instead of Woodland Stride, would you rather have an Aura of Power? Does your vision of the ultimate naturist involve controlling large numbers of wild animals, a bond with fey creatures, and a powerful connection to the ethereal plane? Or were you thinking more along the lines of transforming into a mutant half-plant/half animal thing with a powerful staff andspell resistance? Perhaps you’d like to mix a little of both concepts? Or maybe you would rather play an elemental summoner with an aura of strength and enhanced minions? Or would you prefer a shaman with poison use,vital strike,and the ability to turn dragons? Or perhaps you would prefer a feral warrior with improved combat abilities, natural armor and only a few spells?

TheSangomais a new core class for fantasy D20 games that uses aninnovativeprogression system, allowing for ultimate customization of your character beginning at 1st level. Choose from162 different powerslike Legendary Companion, Shamanism, Sun Magic, Hunter’s Prowl, and many others to create the wildest hero of your dreams. With the vast array of options available in this supplement, you can craft a druid, a shaman, a witch doctor, a priest, a medicine man, a prophet, or any other concept you might have. A diviner without any actual spells but several spell-like abilities instead, a shepherd with bonuses to his chances to interact with plants and fey, a beastly avenger with an army of spirit warriors, a master of amenagerie of magical creatures,a plane shifting wiseman with a strangepower over the elements; all these and more than 150 other innovative and well balanced powers are available in this supplement to help you craftany priestly characterconcept you might have without ever taking a prestige class, advanced class, or archetype again!

Start Customizing Your Druid (or Cleric) at 1st Level With the Sangoma!

This supplement comes intwoformats. The onscreen version fully embraces the advantages of electronic publishing and features plenty of color, artwork, internal and externalhyper-links,and other features to facilitate onscreen viewing. A printable version of these rules is also included in the download. The printable version has no artwork or fancy layout design. It is raw text in 12 point font, designed to bemercifulon your ink cartridge.

Within This File:

*162 divine powers

*Advancement tables

*7 new spells

* 10 wild animals

*2 formats (onscreen and printer friendly)

*Clean spell lists (1st – 9th level)

*Endless possibilities!


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