1948: Specialized Training Manual
System: d20 Modern
Genre: Sci-Fi
Interior Illustrations: 21
Onscreen Page Count (including cover and OGL):67
Printer-Friendly Page Count (including title and OGL): 58
Although nearly all the feats in the Modern rulebook are available in 1948, characters in this setting have even more options than that. This supplement includes an additional 151 feats that are available to all characters in 1948. Many of these feats have been gathered from various OGC sources while others have been created specifically for this setting. Below is a brief summery of the feats found in this supplement.
Feats from Hell on Earth:
Dive Bombing, Duck and Cover, Heavy Fire, Parachute Jump, Rapid Action, Sonar Operation, Combat Driving, Crash Endurance, and many more!
Feats from the Heroes Handbook:
True Hearted, Teamwork, Best Defense, Sonic Enhancement, Rapid Summons, Heroic Will, and many others!
Feats from Spy Radios and Cipher Devices:
Advanced Cryptography, Radio Man, Signal Specialist, and others!
Feats from the SRD:
Cloak Dance, Nonlethal Spell, Fell Shot, Focus Power, Ghost Attack, Psionic Charge, and more!
Feats from other OGC sources:
Antithesis, Cross Training, Enemy, Guns Akimbo, Hard Eyed, Wing Man, Formation Flying, and others!
New Feats:
Alien Craft Operation, Diagnostic Ear, Deft Repair, Exotic Weapon (Trench Tool), and more!
A total of 151 feats approved, adjusted, and ready for use in 1948! Stop searching through dozens of PDFs and books to find the right feats for your 1948 war hero. This file collects them all into one convenient location.
Download this file today and give your heroes the specialized training they need to win the war!
Only $2.00
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